Friday, March 22, 2013

Easter Ideas for Teens

As our kids get older, holidays can seem like less of an event.  Tweens and teens don't believe in the Easter bunny but they still look forward to candy...lots of candy! To help keep our teens from a huge sugar rush, I have a few alternative ideas for their baskets with just a bit of chocolate mixed in.

1. Sports bag.....Pick up a duffel bag, water bottle, soccer ball, and your teens favorite team jersey to create the perfect Easter surprise.

2. For the teen that loves to cook, grab an apron, some pancake mix, a whisk,chocolate chips, fruit roll ups, and let hem have fun cooking breakfast.

3. Makeup bag.....As your little Diva gets older, its time to move into real makeup.  Pick out a cute makeup bag, nail polish, mascara, and lip gloss in colors you feel appropriate.  Be sure to add in makeup towelettes so she can get in the habit of cleaning it all off at he end of the day.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Closet Organization

We are half way through February and many of you may be starting to think about spring cleaning and organizing.  While the weather is still a bit chilly is the perfect time to clean out those closets. Since childrens closets generally do more than just hold clothes, organizing can seem like an overwhelming and daunting task but it doesn't have to be....pick one section a day and go from there.  Creating mini goals is much easier to complete than trying to do it all at once. I use a method I call C.P.R. (Categorize, Purge, Rearrange). 

Day 1...Categorize...Create bins for KEEP, MEND, TOSS, & DONATE.  Nothing fancy, they can just be cardboard boxes as they are only a temporry "holding" area.  Anything unable to be fixed should be TOSSed. Items that need repair should be placed in the MEND in and repaired within a week(set aside a day to accomplish this when everything else is done).  Items that children have outgrown or haven't been worn in the last year should be DONATEd,(nicer items can be taken to a local consignment shop for some extra cash) and everything else should be placed in the KEEP bin.

Day 2...Purge...Take all DONATE items to local Salvation Army or Goodwill.  TOSS all trash and broken items.  Be sure to recycle anything that is recyclable.

Day 3...Rearrange...Make sense of what items are left.  Purchase inexpensive bins or baskets that will accomodate items that need to go back in the closet.  Label baskets for seasonal clothes, toys, etc. Keep a bin in the closet for donation, this way as soon as your child outgrows something, it can go right in the bin.  A hanging shoe organizer is great for small items like stuffed animals,dolls and other small toys.  Add a basket for on the floor for large stuffed animals, balls, and other items to make clean up easy, and another for dirty laundry.  Extra blankets, pillows, etc. can be placed in a space bag which can be vaccum sealed to save space and keep moths out. This is also a great idea for handmade items that you want to hold on to.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Study Space

Creating an organized study space for your teen is key to keeping them focused and on task.  First, decide exactly what your teen will be using the desk for...homework, hobbies, artwork, etc.  Next find a desk with enough drawers to keep all their items in place.  You can also add small baskets inside the drawers to keep pens, brushes, and other small items corraled in one spot.  I also like to have shelves, if you don't want a desk with a hutch, you can add floating shelves above a desk for the same results.  These shelves can house books, magazine files, and trophies.  I like this desk system from Pottery Barn, but you can get the same results with less expensive pieces. 

If you are a DIY'er like me, find a great desk at a second hand store and have your teen help repaint it in a color they love, add new hardware, and even decorate the top or add a piece of glass.  Adding a piece of glass will allow your teen to add photos, movie tickets, and other memories underneath to create a memorable collage.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Let's Start in the Closet...

Organizing your teens closet first will give them a place for everything.  You may even find storage spaces for things you don't usually keep in the closet.  Try hanging shelves for sweaters, shoes, and purses.  If you are lucky enough to have shelves in your closet already, add decorative storage boxes to house the same items.  If you are starting from scratch, closet organizing systems can be found at Lowes, Home Depot, and Target.  Take measurements with you along with a list of items you hope to house in the closet, this will make it easier to select the right pieces for the job.  I have found great ideas at The Container Store.  Think of the closet as part of the room.  Removing the closet doors is also a great way to ensure your teen will keep it neat.  The theory is if they can see it..they will have to keep it organized. (We hope!) 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy 2012

Hey Everyone, Happy New Year and welcome to 2012.  This is the year to make important changes.  Teenagers can be difficult, but take the time to spend with your son or daughter and it may become easier.  Now is the time to get that blackhole of a teenage bedroom organized (with the help of your teenager, of course)  Over the next few days, check back for ideas on creating a comfortable and organized bedroom you and your teenager can both live with.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Your teenager may be too old for trick or treating but that doesn't mean they can't join in on the FUN...allow your teen to create a room and invite a few friends over for some tricks of their own.  Follow these simple steps to assure the spookiness is a success.

Purchase inexpensive foamboard and cut into gravestones, using a wooden spoon handle engrave names and dates, wash over with watered down black paint. 

Use red and black lightbulbs

Place "cobwebs" in corners and on furniture

Make recordings of haunting sounds

Buy inexpensive styrofoam heads at beauty supply stores and paint them like "zombies"  Add fake blood and you are all set for some scary times.

Serve ghoulish punch, mix jello with green punch and let harden just a little.  Serve in a platic couldron with a hand. (freeze punch in a latex, unpowdered glove tied tightly at the wrist)

Create a quick, scary snack with microwave popcorn.  Place popcorn in a large bowl (or individual bowls) and add gummy worms crawling out the sides.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Boys Bedroom Movie Hangout

 If your young man has a love for movies, this is the perfectly themed bedroom for him.  The best thing, it will last him until he goes to college and can easily convert to a den. Start with a great paint color like blue, grey, or brown,  Add vintage or current movie posters ( I love the character of vintage), comfortable seating with lots of pillows, and some very cool lighting and his friends may never leave.
Create your own director's slate artwok with a piece of MDF cut at your local Lowe's or Home Depot and some chalkboard paint.

Directors slate pillow available from Pottery Barn

I found this awesome metal artwork on
Perfect for a movie themed room

Happy Creating!