Sunday, August 21, 2011

Study Space

Yes, It's back to school time again and many experts feel that children do better when they have a designated homework space. Childrens brains are not capable of multi tasking the way (scientifically, not all adults can multi task either) but for children, it is especially difficult.  As parents, we can give our teens more independence and confidence by giving them their own workspace. To accomplish this, carve out a space in thier bedroom, a playroom, or shared living space.  If you don't have alot of room, think vertical!  Expand space vertically by purchasing a hutch, small desk, or table and add shelves or a bulletin board on the wall above.  If you are lucky enough to have a room to devote to homework, think large desk, bookshelves, chairs, and floor pillows.  Now matter how much space you have, the most important dynamic is that it is well organized, calm, and attractive.  Having this type of space will help your child focus and have a place for everything.  No doubt, your teenager will have a few of thier own ideas, so get them involved by asking them to show you pictures of rooms they like, choosing colors and containers to hold papers, pencils, etc.  This will help them want to spend time in the space as well.
Check out these ideas...

      Stuff your Stuff Study System, Pottery Barn Teen

I also love IKEA for lots of inexpensive and space saving ideas for setting up kids work spaces.  Need help selecting items, contact me!

Friday, August 5, 2011


Hi! Welcome everyone to Hip Kid Digs! A sister blog to Pikkles & Ice Cream, Hip Kid Digs! features ideas for tween and teen rooms as well as important information to get you (the parent) through the teenage years!