Saturday, February 16, 2013

Closet Organization

We are half way through February and many of you may be starting to think about spring cleaning and organizing.  While the weather is still a bit chilly is the perfect time to clean out those closets. Since childrens closets generally do more than just hold clothes, organizing can seem like an overwhelming and daunting task but it doesn't have to be....pick one section a day and go from there.  Creating mini goals is much easier to complete than trying to do it all at once. I use a method I call C.P.R. (Categorize, Purge, Rearrange). 

Day 1...Categorize...Create bins for KEEP, MEND, TOSS, & DONATE.  Nothing fancy, they can just be cardboard boxes as they are only a temporry "holding" area.  Anything unable to be fixed should be TOSSed. Items that need repair should be placed in the MEND in and repaired within a week(set aside a day to accomplish this when everything else is done).  Items that children have outgrown or haven't been worn in the last year should be DONATEd,(nicer items can be taken to a local consignment shop for some extra cash) and everything else should be placed in the KEEP bin.

Day 2...Purge...Take all DONATE items to local Salvation Army or Goodwill.  TOSS all trash and broken items.  Be sure to recycle anything that is recyclable.

Day 3...Rearrange...Make sense of what items are left.  Purchase inexpensive bins or baskets that will accomodate items that need to go back in the closet.  Label baskets for seasonal clothes, toys, etc. Keep a bin in the closet for donation, this way as soon as your child outgrows something, it can go right in the bin.  A hanging shoe organizer is great for small items like stuffed animals,dolls and other small toys.  Add a basket for on the floor for large stuffed animals, balls, and other items to make clean up easy, and another for dirty laundry.  Extra blankets, pillows, etc. can be placed in a space bag which can be vaccum sealed to save space and keep moths out. This is also a great idea for handmade items that you want to hold on to.